ALICE a United Way acronym which stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, represents the growing number of individuals and families in Jackson County who are working hard, but are unable to afford basic necessities of housing, food, child care, health care, transportation, and much more. In most cases, they are not eligible for public assistance because they are, in fact, earning income above the federal poverty level. These struggling working poor individuals and families are faced with difficult choices daily, often detrimental in the long run. Put food on the table or gas in the car? Take a sick child to the doctor or pay the utility bill?
To learn more about what ALICE individuals and families experience on a daily basis; CLICK HERE to take a short virtual simulation to better understand their struggles.
We all know ALICE. They're the hard-working people who make us feel at home in our communities. They're the cashier at the grocery store; the waitress at your favorite restaurant; the teller at your local bank; the teacher at your child's daycare; and the single parent working two part-time jobs.
With Jackson County seeing the growth of low-skilled jobs outpacing that of medium and high-skilled jobs, this will continue to compound the problem as the cost of basic necessities continues to rise. This isn't just a household problem; it's a community problem. How can our community thrive when nearly 40% of our county's households don't earn enough to make ends meet?
How Can You Help?
- DONATE: a gift to Jackson County United Way goes towards a healthy community, youth opportunity, financial security and community resiliency.
- VOLUNTEER: invest your time and talents at Jackson County United Way by volunteering for one our three programs.
- ADVOCATE: be a voice for your Jackson County ALICE neighbors who are working but still struggling to make ends meet.